Understanding HPD Turnover Violations 623 & How to Remove Them

HPD Violations

If you’re a property owner or resident in New York City, you might have come across something called a Turnover Violation 623. These violations, issued by the Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), can be a bit confusing, especially if you’re not familiar with the requirements.   Don’t worry! In this blog, we’ll break down everything you […]

What To Do When You Receive An Nyc Hpd Violation Notice For Lead Based Paint?

HPD Violation Removal

Have you recently received a notice from the NYC HPD about a violation related to lead-based paint? Then you don’t need to panic. This article will guide you what steps are necessary to take in order to resolve this issue for good. But before we begin, let us understand the severity of the violation and […]

What Are the Steps To Clear HPD Lead Paint Violations in NYC?

HPD lead paint violations

Are you a landlord or a business owner located in New York City and concerned about HPD Lead Paint Violations NYC? “Receiving a notice of an HPD lead paint violations is an issue facing many NYC landlords, managers and property owners” Approximately 9,000 lead paint-based violation notices were issued during the first half of 2022 […]