Is Lead Testing Mandatory in NYC?

lead testing

New laws relating to lead-based paint have recently been enforced in New York City. Closing gaps that put kids in danger and improving public and pregnant women’s safety against lead poisoning were the key goals.

Thanks to Local Law 28 of 2020, HPD (Housing Preservation & Development) has increased authority to enforce and mandate the removal of lead risks during unit turnover. 

It is presumed that a building owner has violated applicable regulations if he is unable to produce documentation at turnover attesting to the completion of the necessary lead hazard mitigation.

A revision was made to the definition of “lead paint testing,” which is now defined as paint with a lead content of at least 0.5 mg/cm².

Health Hazards Made Lead Testing Mandatory

According to New York state law, your child must have a lead test from a medical professional at age one and again at age two. Research indicates that children should not be exposed to lead at any level.

Lead paint testing rules are also applicable to smaller and vacation rental units.

Some adults are exposed to lead through their jobs or hobbies. These adults could unknowingly expose their families to lead by bringing lead dust home with them. A toddler may walk across this dust and end up touching carpets, floors, furniture, and other surfaces.

Adults should take precautions to protect themselves and their families against lead exposure if they are exposed to it. 

Identify Lead Paint Hazards

We, as an EPA-certified lead paint firm, can guarantee that your property complies with current regulations and is safe for you and your family. We exclusively utilize the newest and most cutting-edge tools available.

Hazards of Lead in Blood

In Children

Lead is extremely poisonous, especially to young children (under seven). There is no known safe blood lead level for children. Small doses can lead to several health issues, such as:

  • Attention deficiencies
  • Poor Growth Indicators
  • premature puberty
  • Hyperactivity, irritability
  • low IQ
  • Behavioral issues
  • Poor learning and reading skills.

Lead poisoning in children typically goes undiagnosed since it frequently happens without any noticeable symptoms. The only way to find out if your child has been exposed to lead is to do a blood test.

Generally speaking, consult your healthcare professional if your child needs to be checked if you have any worries about them and lead. Make sure to have proper follow-up.

In Adults

The health impacts of lead can often be long-lasting. Lead poisoning is fatal at high doses and causes damage to the brain. Signs and symptoms of lead exposure in adults are: 

  • Loss of short-term memory or concentration
  • Depression
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Loss of coordination
  • Numbness and tingling in the extremities
  • Fatigue
  • Problems with sleep

Lead Testing Mandatory by NYC Local Law 31

NYC Local Law 31 of 2020, which goes into effect on August 9, 2020. It is mandatory that an owner test a residential unit for the presence of X-ray Fluorescence lead-based paint by an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified inspector or risk assessor.

This inspector or risk assessor must be independent of the owner and any company hired to perform lead-based paint remediation.

Also Read: What is a Harmful Level of Lead?

New York City has invested a significant amount of time and resources to combat the problem across all boroughs over the last few years. To test for lead, an expert must examine the property, collecting samples from the dust, soil, and water, as well as doing non-destructive XRF (X-ray Fluorescence) lead paint testing

To ensure that your home is secure, have it inspected today before it’s too late for you or your child. 

We at Manhattan Lead Inspections are EPA–certified professionals who will examine and wipe every surface, including your walls, doors, floors, windows, trim, and siding.

We search for any lead dust or chipped paint that may have accumulated over time. We will do a water pipe test, dust wipe, and visual inspection.

Once our experts have completed the inspection, you will be given a comprehensive report that includes the visual examination, dust, paint chips, and XRF.

After that, they will provide you with all the information you require and respond to any queries you might have. If a lead is discovered, they will discuss with you options for short- and long-term plans to either limit the issue or get rid of it entirely, based on your requirements and preferences.