Local Law 31 Bronx
- Manhattan Lead Inspections
- Local Law 31 Bronx
Local Law 31 compliance specialists
Get Experienced & Trustworthy EPA Certified Experts to Make Your Home Local Law 31 Compliant in The Bronx
What Is Local Law 31?
Hazardous substance management is governed by Local Law 31, an essential piece of legislation in New York City. In the past few years, New York City has updated the NYC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act (Local Law 1 of 2004) several times to ensure children in the city have the best health protection. This law was recently updated by Local Law 31 of 2022, 2021, which seeks to protect children from lead exposure further. All residential building owners in the NYC region must get their homes inspected every five years for lead-based paints. Residential buildings built before 1960 or 1978 must undergo thorough inspection within years of the law’s effective date, preferably by August 9, 2025.
It is recommended to get Manhattan Lead Inspections’s lead-based paint testing service in The Bronx if you have just moved into a new apartment or home with some level of lead exposure.
Contact us today if you are a building owner searching for a reliable business to perform XRF lead testing according to local law 31.

Local Law 31
EPA-certified lead testing
We Make Homes Local Law 31 Compliant In The Bronx
Our Compliance Department at Manhattan Lead Inspections proactively resolves violations, renews permits and licenses, and tracks the status of mandated inspections. Our managers receive alerts from automated systems to prevent late filings and costly fines. We are dedicated to staying current with local laws and regulations, including Local Law 31 in the United States, and ensure that all activities comply with applicable laws and regulations.
This proactive approach helps reduce the risk of penalties and sanctions for noncompliance and ensures that the company is following all applicable laws and regulations promptly. It also helps to protect the company’s reputation and the safety and well-being of its employees and customers.
Our approach includes ensuring that the company follows all applicable laws and regulations including local law 31 and taking steps to prevent or mitigate the risk of non-compliance.
Test your home with confidence
What Does Local Law 31 State?
According to Local Law 31,
The use of X-Ray Fluorescence analysers is now required for all surfaces, regardless of whether they are in a rental unit or an apartment building.
Before hiring a lead-based paint remediation specialist, an EPA-certified lead inspector or risk assessor must perform all lead-based inspections.
The law requires a complete inspection of buildings built before 1978 within five years of its effective date. This must be done no later than August 9, 2025.
If you have a child under the age of six, your paint inspection will be fast-forwarded to August 9, 2021.
Ensure that your house or rental complies with Local Law 31 in The Bronx by hiring one of our certified lead inspectors.
Affordable compliance solutions for homes
Get Your Property Tested For Lead With Manhattan Lead Inspections
Are you looking for reliable, EPA-certified XRF lead testing for Bronx residents? We offer thorough lead-based paint testing services to protect your family and employees from lead exposure. Our experts have years of experience providing professional lead inspection and abatement services to property owners and landlords. We provide free estimates, and our experts are available around the clock to help you out.
The smart way to comply with local laws
How Can Lead Paint-Based Hazards Affect Your Health?
New York City has banned lead-based paint since 1960. These types of paint can pose a threat to children, especially in older buildings.
Chipped, flaked, and deteriorated lead-based paint can become a health hazard to elderly people, children and pregnant women.
Lead particles can have several long-term health consequences, including damage to the brain and nervous system, learning disabilities, and even death when inhaled or ingested.
As a result, it is essential to take all precautions before moving into an older building. In addition, lead-based paint can cause poisoning in the following ways:
- The dust produced by deteriorating lead paint
- Door frames, windowsills, and door frames peel off lead paint
- Rotted wood or crumbling plaster with lead paint
- A child is likely to chew on lead paint when it is present on surfaces
Is your property showing any of these signs? Call our lead paint testing experts in the Bronx to inspect the premises and make your premises local law 31 compliant.

Compliant Home Solutions
Are Condominiums Subject To Local Law 31?
Lead inspection requirements laid out in Local Law 1 of 2004 and updated in Local Law 31 of 2020 are met by Local Law 1 for co-ops and condominiums. Each condo or co-op rented or sublet unit must undergo a new XRF inspection in the Bronx every five years (or one year).
In the case of condominiums and co-ops, you are exempt if a shareholder or family resides in the unit. Renting out your properties requires staying on top of the inspection process. Failure to comply with the regulations can lead to heavy fines and serious legal consequences for your property.
To ensure your home is safe, follow the rules under Local Law 31 regarding child lead poisoning prevention and get Manhattan Lead Inspections EPA-certified lead inspectors to inspect your home.
Local Law 31 Compliance Services
Count On Manhattan Lead Inspections To Make Your Home Free From Lead Exposure
Manhattan Lead Inspections experts are equipped with certified and trained technicians to detect, inspect, identify, and manage lead-based hazards in residential and commercial properties. As a result, we strive to deliver nothing less than professional and top-quality lead-based inspection on your premises. We have state-of-the-art diagnostic tools in The Bronx to detect and remove toxic substances permanently